I met the man of my dreams in the middle of the night on the corner of 7th Street and Avenue A. (Ok, I him on Grindr and then we met on the corner of…
Gay Relationship Advice | Dating, Monogamous, Open & Polyamorous
5 tips for dating a guy in an open relationship
What if you’re out there living your best single life, not even thinking about open or polyamorous relationships, and then, BAM!, you meet someone and you really hit it off and you find out that he’s already in a relationship? I’ve got you covered with 5 tips to get you started on the right foot.
Is porn cheating? (What is monogamy?)
Is it cheating to watch porn while you’re in a relationship? I’m sure you have an immediate, decisive answer to that question. And someone else has an equally immediate, equally decisive answer that is the…
Open Relationship v Polyamory: What’s the difference?
If you want to be in a relationship that doesn’t quite fit the monogamy mold, you’ve probably come across both the ideas of both “open relationship” and “polyamory” … what’s the difference between them and…
Open Relationship Myths
I’ve heard A LOT of misconceptions about open relationships. Here are some of the most common (and most frustrating).
Whether you want to open your relationship, are asking “Should I be in an open relationship?”, are dating someone in an open relationship or love someone who is… debunknig these myths will help you understand open and polyamorous relationships better (and maybe even consider if one might be right for you)
How journaling can improve your relationship
Journaling has been HUGE for me in finding, maintaining, and growing healthy relationships. Here’s the how and why of how it’s helpful, and how you can get started in using journaling to improve your relationsip.
How you’re ‘supposed’ to feel in a relationship
When you’re in a relationship, you get all sorts of messages about how you’re “supposed” to feel. But the truth is, we don’t always feel the way we’re “supposed” to feel. And that’s ok.
I explore and unpack a few relationship messages you might have heard, how those differ slightly depending on your relationship structure, and what to do if how you’re feeling runs against the grain.
7 Tips for Dealing with Uncomfortable Feelings in a Relationship
Figuring out how to cope with uncomfortable feelings in a healthy and productive way has taken me yearrrrs to figure out (and it’s still an imperfect practice).
Here are 7 of my go-to practices to help with that process
Good vs Bad Feelings
When you ask someone how they’re doing, more often than not you get some variation of “good,” “ok,” or “not so good” (aka bad). We’ve collapsed the whole range of human experience to “good,” “indifferent,” and “bad.” But is that helpful?
Jealousy is a choice
Jealousy is a choice. That sickening, heart-stopping, hair-raising, kick-in-the-stomach flash of white hot emotion you feel? That might be an uncontrollable response but to stay jealous, to be jealous… that’s a choice. Don’t choose it.
Love Is Abundant, Time & Attention Are Not
Beyonce and I might both have 24 hours in a day but there are still only 24 hours in a day.